Bite the bag – The party game

Beiß in die Tasche

Bei Beiß in die Tasche is a fun drinking game that gets harder and harder towards the end.

The game does not require much and can also be played in a larger group.

What you need for Bite the Bag

As I said, you don’t need much, you need at least one other player, one or more paper bag(s) and of course something to drink for each player.

Party game procedure

When all players have had a drink, the paper bag is placed on the floor. Each player whose turn it is must try to pick up the bag with their mouth. The only thing that may touch the bag is the mouth – hands, feet or other parts of the body may not be used. No aids may be used either. Anyone who fails to do so must drink. After each round, a centimetre of the top of the bag is cut off and the game starts all over again – how long will it take before you can’t manage it either?


Bite the bag is a fun drinking game that gets harder and harder towards the end. You can play it almost anywhere and as you only need a paper bag and something to drink, you don’t need to prepare anything. At the same time, you can work on your flexibility – isn’t that great? 🙂 Have fun trying it out!