The popular series Friends, which started in the mid-90s, is now also available as a drinking game. If you would also like to watch the old episodes again and have a drink at the same time, we have just the thing for you.
Once you’ve invited a few people and chilled the drinks, you can start straight away.
Of course, you have to decide on an episode or season of Friends beforehand. As soon as that’s done and everyone has their drink of choice in front of them, the party begins.
Everyone drinks 1 small sip when:
All drink 2 sips if:
Everyone takes a shot when:
If you are very thirsty, you can also use the optional drinking rules. Everyone will finish their current drink when the following happens:
You can of course split up the rules among yourselves so that not everyone has to memorise them all.
The popular series Friends is also perfect for a film night and as a drinking game. So if you’re feeling nostalgic, invite a few people round and enjoy the evening with a few good episodes of the old series.